The Coming Economic Tsunami-DVD Pastor Mark Henry gives a message regarding the five asset classes of our economy and how the globalists want to take control! How can you prepare for what might be coming? What does the Bible say ... $10.00 Order Now Details
The Complete Reference Guide To Bible Prophecy-Book A comprehensive overview of end-times events---from rapture to eternity! In his all-in-one prophecy resource, Rhodes simplifies this complex subject with concise overviews of major viewpoints, ... $15.00 Order Now Details
Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda- Hardcover Book In Shepherds for Sale, Megan Basham of the Daily Wire documents how progressive powerbrokers —from George Soros, to the founder of eBay, to former members of the Obama administration— set out ... $20.00 Order Now Details
Klaus Schwab, Joe Biden & the Planned Destruction of America – DVD series Most people have no idea that Joe Biden is a long time friend and evil cohort of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. Even less realize this is why they stole the election and he was planted ... $25.00 Order Now Details
No Longer Normal-DVD Michele Bachmann reports that our world is spinning out of control and few things are as they used to be. The globalists are dictating new rules and who should be in power in America and elsewhere. ... $10.00 Order Now Details
Ten Potent Proofs For the Pretribulation Rapture-Book The Rapture! An explosive topic! The rapture is one of the most heated debates in the church. Will the church go through the tribulation? Or will the church be raptured prior to the ... $10.00 Order Now Details
What You Need To Know About the Rapture-Book "Behold, I am telling you a mystery...we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye." 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 Mysterious yet intriguing, the rapture is one of the most fascinating ... $10.00 Order Now Details
The Pastor’s Kit Resource – 32 GB Flash Drive WILL THE CHURCH FINISH WELL? The hour on God's prophetic clock is late and sadly, many churches are not doing all they can to ensure people are spiritually prepared for the return of the Lord. ... $15.00 Order Now Details
The End of the World According to Jesus of Nazareth-Book Why talk about end-times doomsday subjects? Because Jesus Christ talked about them, and in great detail. For that reason alone, we should pay attention. And as we rapidly approach the last days, his ... $10.00 Order Now Details