Understanding the Times: October 5, 2023
Special one-night event with Pastor Barry Stagner, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell – As you see the day approaching, what reminds us that we are in a countdown?
Understanding the Times: October 5, 2023
Special one-night event with Pastor Barry Stagner, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell – As you see the day approaching, what reminds us that we are in a countdown?
Understanding the Times: May 11, 2023
Special one-night event with Bill Koenig, Michele Bachmann, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell
This was the question asked at our March 16 Understanding the Times bi-monthly event in suburban Minneapolis. Pastor Tom Hughes, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell considered a dozen current topics as they relate to the Bible and to Bible prophecy.
Is this the final push for a one-world system? How about a nationalized banking system and ultimately, Central Bank Digital Currency? Are we well on the road to Agenda 2030? How about World War III?
If this is the final push and the Church Age is winding down, how soon is the Rapture of the Church? The final push is clearly for Antichrist’s kingdom which believers will never see.
Understanding the Times: January 19, 2023
Special one-night event with Pastor Brandon Holthaus, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell
Olive Tree’s bi-monthly Understanding the Times event August 4, 2022, with Michele Bachmann, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry. What markers are telling us that we are seeing the day of His return approaching?