Out Of This World: Are UFOs Aliens, Spirits, or Pure Hokum?

In Out of this World, Bob Maginnis exposes the faults in both science and theology as he leads the reader deep into what we know-and, frankly, what we don’t know-about the recent surge of UFO activity.  Mix these findings with the unseen realm, and it’s plain that we really are confused.  Therefore, Bob proposes Project UFO, a national strategy to determine if we face an existential threat.

Price: $15.00

Product Details

by LTC Robert L. Maginnis- 300 pages, Softbound

Maginnis identifies:

  • Why UFO religions, cults and ufologists might not be totally wacko, and people of all ideologies ought to consider how to respond to the hard to ignore proliferation of the inexplicable.
  • What scientists, theologians and politicians are hiding or ignore.
  • Why the scientific world is suddenly interested in UFOs.
  • Why most Americans, including some highly respected citizens, accept there is life elsewhere in this vast universe.